5-2 8:01 a.m. 08:01 – 5-2 11:59 p.m. 23:59
Northerly gale force (8B) winds locally strong gale force (9 B) winds. BE PREPARED for disruption, structural damage and risk of injury from uprooted trees and flying debris. Disruption to power supplies are possible.
6-2 0:00 a.m. 00:00 – 6-2 9:00 a.m. 09:00
Locally gale force winds 8 beaufort. BE AWARE of debris being blown around. Localised outdoor activity disruption is possible due to debris.
HNMSVolgende 24 uur
Wereldweer vandaag
+12° 54°
+8° 46°
+1° 34°
+5° 41°
+5° 41°
+9° 48°
+3° 37°
+3° 37°
+2° 36°
+26° 79°
Warmste en koudste
Las Piedras, Uruguay
+40.1° 104°
Tiassalé, Ivoorkust
+40° 104°
Salaga, Ghana
+39° 102°
San Lorenzo, Argentinië
+39° 102°
Yacuiba, Bolivia
+39° 102°
Augusta, Verenigde Staten
-22.8° -9°
Dzuunmod, Mongolië
-23° -9°
Acme, Canada
-24° -11°
Genhe, China
-38° -36°
Soesoeman, Rusland
-49° -56°
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